

Live, online classes for kids. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$660—990k ( estimates Aug 2020.)
San Francisco California (HQ)
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Total Funding000k

Recent News about ZipSchool

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ZipSchool was an online educational platform that offered unique and engaging courses for children. The startup aimed to fill the gaps in traditional education by providing courses on topics that children are naturally curious about but are not typically covered in school. The subjects ranged from understanding underwater life and the importance of sleep to exploring the size of dinosaurs and the process of making chocolate bars.

The company's target market was primarily parents seeking additional educational resources for their children. ZipSchool operated in the online education market, a sector that has seen significant growth due to the increasing demand for remote learning solutions.

ZipSchool's business model was based on a subscription service. Customers would sign up and pay a fee to gain access to the range of courses offered. The revenue was generated through these subscriptions.

Unfortunately, despite the innovative approach to children's education, ZipSchool ceased operations in the summer of 2021. However, the archives of the courses are still available for those interested in the unique learning resources the platform provided.

Keywords: Online Education, Children's Learning, Unique Courses, Subscription Service, Underwater Life, Dinosaurs, Sleep Importance, Chocolate Making, Remote Learning, Educational Resources.

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