

Built on open-source WireMock, WireMock Cloud offers a hosted experience including a self-service UI, enterprise support, and unlimited scale. Learn more

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$26—39m (Dealroom.co estimates May 2023.)
Menlo Park California (HQ)



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WireMock, accessible via wiremock.org, is a startup specializing in API simulation for HTTP-based APIs. Essentially, it allows developers to create mock versions of APIs, which are interfaces that let different software systems communicate. This is particularly useful for testing purposes, enabling developers to stay productive even when the actual API is incomplete or unavailable.

WireMock serves a broad range of clients, primarily software developers and IT teams in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce. These clients benefit from WireMock's ability to simulate complex API interactions, thereby speeding up the development and testing phases of software projects.

The company operates in the software development tools market, a niche but growing segment driven by the increasing complexity of software systems and the need for robust testing solutions. WireMock's business model includes both open-source and enterprise offerings. The open-source version allows developers to embed the core WireMock engine in their unit tests or run it as a standalone server. This version is freely available, fostering a community of users who contribute to its development.

For more advanced needs, WireMock offers an enterprise version called WireMock Studio. This version includes a full user interface (UI) for managing multiple mock APIs, support for popular API specifications like Swagger and OpenAPI, and the ability to run on various environments, including desktops and Kubernetes clusters. The enterprise version is scalable and supports collaborative on-premise deployments, making it suitable for larger teams and organizations.

WireMock generates revenue through its enterprise offerings, which include features like advanced request matching, dynamic response templating, fault and latency injection, and monitoring tool integration. These features are crucial for organizations that require high levels of customization and reliability in their testing environments.

In summary, WireMock is a versatile tool for API simulation, catering to developers and IT teams across various industries. It operates in the software development tools market, offering both free and paid versions to meet different needs.

Keywords: API simulation, software testing, HTTP APIs, open-source, enterprise, developers, IT teams, scalable, Kubernetes, dynamic templating.

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