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Edit is a startup that operates in the digital identity verification market. The company provides a platform where businesses can issue and accept digital ID cards for quick and secure identity verification. serves a variety of clients, including financial institutions, online service providers, and any business that requires reliable identity verification for their users.

The core of's business model revolves around facilitating a marketplace for verified identities. Companies, referred to as "issuers," can issue digital ID cards to their users. These ID cards can contain various types of data about the user, such as personal information, credentials, or other relevant details. When another company, referred to as an "acceptor," needs to verify a user's identity, they can do so with a single click using the digital ID card. makes money by charging acceptors a fee for each verification transaction. The fee amount depends on the type and amount of information being verified. This model ensures that companies only pay for the specific data they need, making it a cost-effective solution for identity verification.

The platform also includes an Inc. Wallet feature, where users can manage their digital ID cards and control what information they choose to share. This empowers users with transparency and control over their personal data, enhancing trust and security.

In summary, is revolutionizing the way businesses handle identity verification by providing a seamless, one-click solution that benefits both companies and users. Their innovative approach has earned them recognition in the tech industry for their contributions to privacy and security.

Keywords: digital identity, verification, marketplace, issuers, acceptors, one-click, secure, user control, privacy, financial institutions.