Tutored by Teachers

Tutored by Teachers

Online Tutoring. Powered by Teachers. Learn more

Launch date
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Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$40—60m (Dealroom.co estimates Feb 2022.)
New York City New York (HQ)



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Revenues, earnings & profits over time
% growth-158 %
EV / revenue00.0x00.0x
EV / EBITDA00.0x00.0x
R&D budget00000000
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Recent News about Tutored by Teachers

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Tutored by Teachers (TbT) is a startup that specializes in providing personalized virtual instruction to high-need K-12 students. The company focuses on delivering tailored educational experiences through experienced teachers, aiming to boost student confidence, foster engagement, and achieve positive academic outcomes. TbT operates primarily in the education sector, targeting schools and educational institutions that serve students requiring additional academic support.

The company’s business model revolves around offering virtual tutoring sessions scheduled in small groups. These sessions are designed to be flexible, allowing students to participate from school, home, or a combination of both. TbT’s services are particularly relevant for programs eligible for funding under the Learning Recovery Act, CARES Act, Title I, and Title III, which provide financial support for educational initiatives.

TbT employs a highly qualified teaching staff, with 62% holding graduate degrees and 48% certified in Special Education (SPED) or English Language Learning (ELL). This ensures that the instruction provided is of high quality and tailored to meet the diverse needs of students.

The company generates revenue by contracting with schools and educational organizations that require supplemental instructional hours for their students. Additionally, TbT benefits from grants and funding aimed at expanding access to tutoring services. For instance, the company has been part of initiatives where nonprofits have granted $6 million to 32 learning organizations across 20 states, with individual grants ranging from $150,000 to $250,000.

In summary, Tutored by Teachers is a dynamic player in the educational sector, leveraging experienced educators to provide personalized virtual tutoring to K-12 students. The company’s flexible, high-quality instructional model, supported by various educational funding programs, positions it well to address the needs of high-need students and improve their academic outcomes.

Keywords: virtual tutoring, K-12 education, personalized instruction, high-need students, experienced teachers, flexible learning, educational funding, SPED certified, ELL certified, academic outcomes.

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