


Launch date
Market cap
Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$56—84m ( estimates Jun 2024.)
Dubai Dubai Emirate (HQ)
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Series A
Total Funding000k

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Stake is a digital real estate investment platform that caters to investors worldwide. It operates in the real estate market, specifically in Dubai, and offers a unique opportunity for individuals to invest in rental properties starting from AED 500. Stake's business model is based on fractional property ownership, where investors can buy a 'stake' or share in a property, thus making real estate investment more accessible and affordable.

The platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing investors to sign up, browse properties, and make investments in less than three minutes. Stake's team of property professionals, with over 20 years of experience in Dubai's real estate sector, use a data-driven valuation and analysis process to source properties with high investment potential.

Once an investment is made, Stake handles all aspects of property management, including maintenance and tenant placement. This service saves investors time and money, and allows them to track their monthly income and manage their investments in real time through Stake's mobile app or web platform.

Stake's revenue comes from the difference between the purchase price of the properties and their eventual selling price. The company aims to sell all of its assets at a significantly higher valuation than the purchase price. Investors have the power to vote to accept or reject any offers Stake receives. While investors can resell their stakes during exit windows, Stake recommends a holding period of five years to maximize returns.

In summary, Stake is a digital, fractional real estate investment platform that makes investing in rental properties in Dubai accessible, affordable, and hassle-free.

Keywords: Real Estate Investment, Fractional Ownership, Rental Properties, Digital Platform, Property Management, Dubai Real Estate Market, Affordable Investment, User-friendly, Data-Driven Valuation, Long-term Investment.

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