Proof Diagnostics

Proof Diagnostics

Proof diagnostics is developing a crispr-based, covid-19 molecular test to help communities take control of the virus. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$180—270m ( estimates Apr 2022.)
Cambridge Massachusetts (HQ)
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More about Proof Diagnostics

Proof Diagnostics is a healthcare startup that is developing a CRISPR-based COVID-19 molecular test. The company's primary goal is to make testing for COVID-19 simple, scalable, and reliable. The test, which is currently for investigational use only and has not yet been reviewed by the FDA, can deliver results in as little as 22 minutes. This is achieved through highly sensitive detection methods and gold-standard specificity.

The company is targeting a wide range of clients, including remote and underserved communities, schools, doctors' offices, employers, and hotels. The aim is to provide a quick and reliable method to confirm positive COVID-19 results, helping to keep communities, classrooms, and workplaces safe.

Proof Diagnostics is also developing automated workflows for clinicians by securely connecting with electronic health records (EHRs) and lab information management systems (LIMS). This will streamline the testing process and make it easier for healthcare providers to manage and track results.

In addition, the company is designing a mobile app that can connect with up to six Proof Lab readers via Bluetooth. This will allow users to monitor multiple COVID-19 tests, keep and view up to 50 results, and easily export detailed test results. The app is also being designed to enable third-party integrations, such as with EHRs.

Proof Diagnostics operates on a business model that involves selling low-cost reader and cartridges, making testing scalable. The company's equipment is small, modular, and portable, making it easy to set up and operate in various locations.

Keywords: Healthcare, COVID-19 Testing, CRISPR-based Test, Molecular Test, Remote Communities, Schools, Doctors' Offices, Employers, Hotels, Mobile App.

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