


Launch date
Market cap
Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$80—120m ( estimates Nov 2022.)
New York City New York (HQ)
  • Edit
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Series A
Total Funding000k

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Edit is a startup focused on revolutionizing the way people plan and enjoy social events. The company operates in the event planning and social networking market, targeting individuals who want to organize memorable parties and gatherings with ease. Partiful's primary clients are party hosts and guests who seek a streamlined, user-friendly platform to manage their social events.

The business model of Partiful is centered around providing a comprehensive suite of tools that simplify event planning. These tools include features for sharing photos, collecting RSVPs, running polls, and sending text blast updates to guests. By offering these services, Partiful aims to enhance the overall experience of both hosts and attendees, making it easier to coordinate and enjoy social gatherings.

Partiful generates revenue through a combination of subscription fees and possibly premium features. Hosts may pay for advanced functionalities or enhanced services that provide additional convenience and customization options for their events. This model ensures a steady stream of income while catering to the diverse needs of its user base.

The market Partiful operates in is highly competitive, with numerous players offering event planning and social networking solutions. However, Partiful differentiates itself by focusing on creating a seamless and enjoyable experience for users, emphasizing the importance of making friends and memories through social events.

In summary, is a dynamic startup dedicated to making event planning easier and more enjoyable. It serves party hosts and guests, operates in the event planning and social networking market, and makes money through subscription fees and premium features.

Keywords: event planning, social networking, party hosts, guests, RSVPs, text updates, polls, photo sharing, subscription fees, premium features.

Tech stack

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