

Key discovery and classification. Learn more

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Enterprise valuation
$10—15m (Dealroom.co estimates Jun 2021.)
Littleton Colorado (HQ)
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Total Funding000k

Recent News about Ntrinsec

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Ntrinsec is a pioneering startup in the cybersecurity sector, specifically focusing on encryption management and data security. The company offers a unique machine identity automation platform designed to help enterprises secure their cryptographic materials—essentially the keys and codes that protect sensitive data. Ntrinsec's platform enables quick and secure discovery of all cryptographic materials across hybrid and multi-cloud environments, making it easier for businesses to manage and protect their data.

The primary clients of Ntrinsec are large enterprises that operate in complex IT environments, often involving multiple cloud services. These clients require robust security measures to protect against data breaches and cyber-attacks. Ntrinsec's platform is particularly valuable for industries where data security is paramount, such as finance, healthcare, and government sectors.

Ntrinsec operates in the cybersecurity market, a rapidly growing field driven by the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats. The company's business model revolves around providing a subscription-based service, where clients pay for access to the platform and its features. This model ensures a steady revenue stream and allows for continuous updates and improvements to the service.

Ntrinsec makes money by offering its platform as a service (PaaS). Clients subscribe to the service to gain access to advanced encryption management tools, automated key discovery, and secure cryptographic material handling. The platform's ease of installation, configuration, and analysis means that businesses can quickly integrate it into their existing systems, reducing the time and effort required to enhance their security measures.

In summary, Ntrinsec is revolutionizing the way enterprises manage and secure their cryptographic keys, providing a vital service in an era where data breaches are increasingly common. Backed by DataTribe, a global cybersecurity foundry, Ntrinsec is well-positioned to set new standards in breach prevention and cryptography-based defense strategies.

Keywords: cybersecurity, encryption management, cryptographic keys, data security, machine identity, automation, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, breach prevention, DataTribe.

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