Empowering a digitally secure future where assets, secrets, and transactions are safeguarded with utmost integrity. Learn more

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Enterprise valuation
$160—240m ( estimates Sep 2022.)
Company register number 13668834
New York City New York (HQ), London England (founding location)



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Recent News about MPCH Labs

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MPCH Labs is a pioneering startup specializing in Multi Party Computation (MPC) technology, which is a method that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. The company operates in the technology and financial sectors, providing advanced cryptographic solutions that enhance security and scalability for various applications.

The core product of MPCH Labs is the MPC6 engine, a versatile and powerful toolkit designed to meet the growing demands for secure and efficient cryptographic signing and approval processes. This technology is particularly valuable in sectors where data privacy and security are paramount, such as finance, healthcare, and digital asset management.

MPCH Labs' flagship product, Fraction, leverages the MPC6 engine to offer a fully configurable operating system. Fraction enables users to self-manage their assets, digital wallets, and workflow policies with top-tier security. This product is designed for businesses and individuals who require robust security measures to protect their digital assets and ensure secure transactions.

The company's business model revolves around licensing its MPC6 engine and offering its Fraction operating system to clients. MPCH Labs generates revenue through software licensing fees, subscription services, and potentially through custom solutions tailored to specific client needs.

MPCH Labs primarily serves clients in the financial services industry, including banks, investment firms, and fintech companies. However, its technology is also applicable to other sectors that require secure data handling and transaction processing.

In summary, MPCH Labs is at the forefront of cryptographic technology, providing innovative solutions that enhance security and efficiency in various industries. By focusing on Multi Party Computation, the company addresses the critical need for privacy and security in the digital age.

Keywords: Multi Party Computation, cryptographic solutions, MPC6 engine, Fraction, digital assets, secure transactions, financial services, fintech, data privacy, scalable security.