

Is the fastest way for data scientists to deploy machine learning models. Learn more

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Enterprise valuation
$20—30m ( estimates May 2023.)
San Francisco California (HQ & founding location)



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EV / revenue00.0x
EV / EBITDA00.0x
R&D budget0000
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Modelbit Trust is a cutting-edge platform designed to streamline the deployment of machine learning (ML) models. It primarily serves data scientists, ML engineers, and IT teams who need to quickly and efficiently move their ML models from development to production. The company operates in the rapidly growing MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) market, which focuses on the deployment, monitoring, and management of ML models.

The core offering of Modelbit Trust is its ability to deploy ML models with minimal effort. Users can deploy models directly from Jupyter notebooks using a single line of code. This simplicity is a significant advantage, as it eliminates the need for complex frameworks or extensive code rewrites. Once deployed, these models can be accessed via REST APIs, making them easy to integrate into various applications and systems.

Modelbit Trust supports a wide range of ML technologies, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and custom models. It also ensures that models are securely version-controlled and backed by git repositories. This means that any changes to the models are tracked, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes are automatically triggered, ensuring that the latest versions are always in use.

The platform offers flexibility in deployment options. Users can choose to deploy models in Modelbit's cloud environment or their own, providing a balance between convenience and security. Additionally, Modelbit Trust includes features like automated retraining, load balancing, logging, and disaster recovery, ensuring that deployed models are robust and reliable.

Modelbit Trust's business model is based on a freemium approach. New users can get started with 50 free compute minutes, allowing them to try out the platform without any initial cost. As users require more compute power and advanced features, they can upgrade to paid plans, generating revenue for the company.

In summary, Modelbit Trust simplifies and accelerates the deployment of ML models, making it an invaluable tool for teams working in data science and machine learning.

Keywords: MLOps, machine learning, deployment, Jupyter notebooks, REST APIs, TensorFlow, PyTorch, git integration, CI/CD, cloud security.