Matter Neuroscience

Matter Neuroscience

Matter Neuroscience: Shaping what’s to come, a future we want to live in, an infinite upward spiral. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$104—156m ( estimates Feb 2024.)
Boulder Colorado (HQ)
  • Edit


Total Funding000k

Recent News about Matter Neuroscience

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Edit is an innovative startup founded by neuroscientist Axel Bouchon, Ben Goldhirsh, and Chris Shiflett. The company operates in the intersection of neuroscience and personal development, aiming to help individuals understand and optimize their brain's reward systems. These reward systems are the mechanisms in our brains that make us feel good when we meet our basic and complex needs, such as food, shelter, love, and purpose.

Matter's primary product is an iOS app, currently in private beta, that pairs users' personal experiences with universal neuroscience principles. The app helps users collect and reflect on their daily activities, emotions, and memories. By doing so, users can make small, meaningful changes to improve their overall well-being. The app's goal is to make users smarter, more creative, and more empathetic, ultimately leading to healthier, happier, and longer lives.

The company primarily serves individuals who are interested in personal development and mental well-being. This includes a wide range of clients, from young professionals to older adults, who are looking to better understand themselves and improve their quality of life.

Matter operates in the mental health and wellness market, a rapidly growing sector as more people become aware of the importance of mental well-being. The business model is likely based on a subscription service, where users pay a recurring fee to access the app's features and benefits.

Revenue is generated through these subscription fees, and potentially through partnerships with organizations interested in promoting mental health and wellness among their employees or members.

Matter's team is fully remote, with headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, and operates with flexible hours, emphasizing independent work and support among team members.

Keywords: neuroscience, personal development, mental well-being, reward systems, iOS app, private beta, subscription service, mental health market, remote team, Boulder Colorado.

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