

AI that optimizes LLM applications by tuning prompts and models. Learn more

Launch date
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Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$29—43m (Dealroom.co estimates Apr 2024.)
San Francisco California (HQ)
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Total Funding000k

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Log10.io is a cutting-edge startup focused on accelerating the development of generative AI, which is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, or music. The company operates in the rapidly growing AI market, serving businesses that need to build, deploy, and manage AI models more efficiently.

Log10.io offers a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the entire AI development process. This includes tools for debugging complex AI chains, logging and analyzing AI performance, and fine-tuning models using reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF). RLHF is a method where AI models learn and improve based on feedback from human users.

The platform is particularly beneficial for companies that use large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT. These models can be difficult to manage and optimize, but Log10.io provides features like prompt provenance (tracking the origin and changes of prompts), session tracking, and call stack functionality to simplify this process.

Log10.io's business model is based on a combination of subscription fees and usage-based pricing. Clients can choose to self-host their AI models, which can reduce latency (the delay before data transfer begins) and improve reliability. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their AI operations efficiently, from initial development (Playground) to full-scale production.

The company also offers collaboration tools, enabling teams to share and manage AI projects seamlessly. This is particularly useful for larger organizations with multiple users and complex access rights.

In summary, Log10.io helps businesses accelerate their AI development, making it faster and more reliable to bring AI-powered applications to market. The platform's robust features and flexible pricing make it an attractive option for companies looking to leverage the power of generative AI.

Keywords: generative AI, AI development, LLM, debugging, logging, RLHF, self-hosting, collaboration, scalability, optimization.

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