

A company developing the technology to survey, prospect and mine near earth asteroids. Learn more
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Karman Plus is an innovative startup focused on asteroid mining, aiming to extract valuable resources from near-Earth asteroids. The company is set to launch its first mission, "High Frontier," in 2026. Karman Plus targets carbonaceous asteroids, which are rich in water and other essential materials. These resources can be used to provide sustainable energy and materials both in space and on Earth.

The primary clients of Karman Plus include space agencies, research institutions, and commercial entities interested in space exploration and resource utilization. The company operates in the emerging market of space resource extraction, which is gaining traction as technology advances and the need for sustainable resources grows.

Karman Plus's business model revolves around the extraction and sale of space resources. By mining asteroids, the company can supply water, metals, and other materials that are crucial for space missions and potentially for use on Earth. This model not only supports space exploration but also contributes to solving resource scarcity issues on our planet.

Revenue generation for Karman Plus comes from multiple streams. These include selling extracted materials to space agencies and private companies, offering payload opportunities on their missions, and potentially licensing their technology and expertise to other entities interested in asteroid mining.

In summary, Karman Plus is at the forefront of a new frontier in resource extraction, leveraging advanced technology to mine asteroids for sustainable resources. Their upcoming mission in 2026 marks a significant step towards realizing this vision.

Keywords: asteroid mining, space resources, carbonaceous asteroids, sustainable energy, near-Earth asteroids, space exploration, resource extraction, High Frontier mission, space agencies, commercial space entities.

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