Hour25 AI

Hour25 AI

Improving emotional resilience to social networks in real-time. Learn more

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Dover Delaware (HQ)



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EV / revenue00.0x
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R&D budget0000
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Total Funding000k

Recent News about Hour25 AI

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Hour25.ai is an early-stage startup that has developed a unique digital platform aimed at reducing digital distractions and enhancing performance for both employees and students. The company operates in the digital wellness and productivity market, focusing on mitigating the negative effects of digital stress—a common issue in today's tech-driven world.

The platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide real-time, personalized interventions that help users improve their focus and productivity. These interventions are based on emotional and behavioral drills, which are endorsed by NBA professionals and top scientists. This combination of sports psychology and cutting-edge technology sets Hour25.ai apart from other digital wellness solutions.

Hour25.ai primarily serves two types of clients: educational institutions and corporate organizations. For students, the platform offers tools to manage digital stress and enhance academic performance. For employees, it provides customized support to overcome digital stress, improve productivity, and achieve professional goals.

The business model of Hour25.ai is likely subscription-based, where educational institutions and companies pay a recurring fee to provide their students or employees with access to the platform. This model ensures a steady stream of revenue and allows the company to continuously update and improve its offerings.

Revenue is generated through these subscription fees, and possibly through partnerships with educational and corporate clients who are looking to invest in the well-being and productivity of their students or employees. The platform's effectiveness is backed by comprehensive analysis of digital behavior and psychological states, enabling tailored suggestions that have proven successful in real-world applications.

In summary, Hour25.ai is a promising startup that leverages AI and sports psychology to combat digital stress and enhance performance in educational and professional settings.

Keywords: AI, digital wellness, productivity, focus, digital stress, students, employees, personalized interventions, NBA-endorsed, behavioral science.