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Greenwork is a digital platform that serves as a bridge between clean energy companies and contractors across the United States. The company operates in the clean energy market, providing detailed data on over 450,000 electrical, HVAC, and other electrification-related contractors nationwide. This data is leveraged by clean energy companies to find the best contractors for their projects, ensuring high-quality work at competitive prices.

Greenwork's business model is centered around facilitating connections between clean energy companies and contractors. The platform helps clean energy companies to expand their operations by finding contractors in new geographical areas as quickly as they can sell into them. This effectively unblocks the growth of these companies by eliminating the time-consuming process of finding and vetting contractors.

The platform also benefits contractors by providing them with access to high-quality jobs without the need for sales or marketing efforts. Additionally, it offers an opportunity to learn about new technologies in a low-pressure environment and form long-term partnerships with climatetech companies. Notably, the platform is free for contractors, making it an attractive proposition for them.

Greenwork generates revenue by charging clean energy companies for access to its database of contractors. The company's value proposition lies in its ability to quickly connect these companies with qualified contractors, thereby accelerating their project timelines and enhancing their customer experience.

Keywords: Clean Energy, Contractors, Nationwide, Data, Electrification, HVAC, Climatetech, Partnerships, Digital Platform, Infrastructure.

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