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Recent News about Fabric8Labs

More about Fabric8Labs

Fabric8Labs is a startup that operates in the advanced manufacturing sector, specifically in the realm of 3D metal printing. The company's unique selling point is its proprietary Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing (ECAM) technology. ECAM is a room-temperature 3D metal printing process that creates complex, dense metal parts without the need for thermal processing. This technology works by building parts at the atomic level from a water-based feedstock containing dissolved metal ions.

Fabric8Labs' ECAM technology offers several advantages over traditional manufacturing methods. It allows for micron-scale feature resolution, the creation of complex internal features, the use of high-purity materials, and rapid scalability to support mass manufacturing. This makes it an attractive option for clients looking for advanced manufacturing services that can replace traditional manufacturing methods.

One of the standout features of Fabric8Labs' ECAM technology is its environmental friendliness. The company claims that ECAM enables a more than 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to alternative additive technologies and traditional manufacturing methods. This is due to its use of recyclable metal feedstocks and low energy consumption.

Fabric8Labs' business model revolves around providing advanced manufacturing services to clients. The company generates revenue by offering its ECAM technology as a service to clients who require high-quality, complex metal parts. Its target market includes industries that require high-resolution, high-purity components, such as the electronics industry, where its technology can be used to print directly onto temperature-sensitive substrates like PCBs, silicon, or existing metal components.

Keywords: Fabric8Labs, Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing, ECAM, 3D metal printing, advanced manufacturing services, recyclable metal feedstocks, low energy consumption, high-resolution components, high-purity components, environmental-friendly manufacturing.

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