

Create a new channel for engaging with your collectors by connecting their NFTs to passes for tickets, loyalty cards, or coupons - no app required. Learn more
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EthPass ( is a forward-thinking startup that leverages blockchain technology to enhance the utility of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) by integrating them with digital passes for Apple and Google Wallets. This company operates in the burgeoning intersection of blockchain, digital identity, and mobile wallet ecosystems.

EthPass primarily serves businesses and organizations looking to engage their customers or members through innovative digital solutions. Their clients range from event organizers, art galleries, and sports clubs to retail shops and restaurants. Essentially, any entity that can benefit from digital passes for event tickets, membership access, loyalty cards, or coupons is a potential client.

The market EthPass operates in is the digital wallet and blockchain space, which is rapidly growing as more businesses seek to digitize their customer engagement strategies. By focusing on NFTs, EthPass taps into the expanding market of digital collectibles and blockchain-based assets.

EthPass's business model revolves around providing a platform that allows businesses to create, manage, and update digital passes linked to NFTs. They offer a unified API (Application Programming Interface) that simplifies the integration process, making it easy for businesses to issue and update passes in real-time. This platform supports multiple EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) chains, including Mainnet, Polygon, Optimism, and Arbitrum, ensuring broad compatibility and flexibility.

Revenue generation for EthPass likely comes from subscription fees for access to their platform, transaction fees for issuing and updating passes, and possibly premium features such as advanced location targeting and real-time notifications.

In summary, EthPass is a startup that enhances NFT utility by integrating them with digital passes for mobile wallets, serving a diverse range of businesses in the digital engagement space. Their platform supports multiple blockchain networks and offers easy integration, real-time updates, and location-based notifications.

Keywords: NFTs, digital passes, blockchain, mobile wallets, Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, event tickets, membership access, loyalty cards, real-time updates.