Embedded Financial

Embedded Financial

Provides securities execution, clearing, settlement and custody APIs for broker-dealers, RIAs, banks and trust companies. Learn more

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$80—120m (Dealroom.co estimates Oct 2021.)
Vancouver Washington (HQ)
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Embed Financial Technologies Inc. is a cutting-edge financial technology company specializing in providing modern clearing and custody solutions through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). The company operates primarily in the financial services market, catering to broker-dealers, Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), banks, and trust companies. These clients use Embed's technology to integrate investment functionalities into their own products seamlessly.

Embed's core offering revolves around its API-driven architecture, which allows financial institutions to execute, clear, settle, and custody securities efficiently. This means that Embed provides the backend infrastructure that enables these institutions to manage their clients' investments without having to build the technology from scratch. By leveraging Embed's solutions, clients can focus on their core business while Embed handles the complex processes involved in securities transactions.

The business model of Embed is based on providing these API services to its clients, who pay for access and usage. This could be through a subscription model, transaction fees, or a combination of both. The company ensures that its clients' investment products remain operational and up-to-date through its event-driven architecture, which means the system responds to real-time events to keep everything running smoothly.

Embed makes money by charging its clients for the use of its APIs and related services. This can include fees for each transaction processed, monthly or annual subscription fees for access to the platform, and possibly additional charges for premium features or higher levels of service.

In summary, Embed Financial Technologies Inc. is a specialized provider of API-driven clearing and custody solutions for financial institutions, enabling them to integrate investment functionalities into their products efficiently and effectively.

Keywords: API-driven, clearing, custody, financial technology, broker-dealers, RIAs, banks, trust companies, securities, infrastructure.

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