DeepFraud AI

DeepFraud AI

The insurance world's most sophisticated digital forensics platform. Backed by First Round, Foundation and FirstMark. Learn more
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Edit, operating under the name EvolutionIQ, is a pioneering software company that has developed an innovative solution for the insurance industry. The company's software uses artificial intelligence (AI) to guide insurance examiners and adjusters to the right claim at the right time, improving efficiency and accuracy in claims handling.

The company's primary clients are insurance companies, specifically those dealing with Disability, Workers’ Compensation, and General Liability lines. The software helps these companies by predicting claim trajectories far earlier than traditional methods, allowing for more effective and accurate claims handling. This not only benefits the insurance companies by saving time and resources, but also the claimants, who are placed on the right recovery path early, reducing stress and worry and helping them get their lives back on track faster.

EvolutionIQ's business model is likely based on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, where clients pay a subscription fee to use the software. This model provides a steady stream of revenue for the company and allows it to continually update and improve the software based on user feedback and technological advancements.

The software's AI capabilities allow it to understand bodily injury like a medical expert, enabling it to rapidly and accurately assign complex claims to expert teams and streamline claim trajectories for others. This results in a higher number of Return to Work (RTWs) in claims blocks across the insurance lines it serves, compared to legacy processes.

Keywords: Insurance, Software, Artificial Intelligence, Claims Handling, Efficiency, Accuracy, Disability, Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, SaaS.

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