CipherMode Labs

CipherMode Labs

Use and Share Data Freely and Securely. Learn more



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Recent News about CipherMode Labs

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CipherMode is a cutting-edge technology startup that focuses on enabling enterprises to use and share data without compromising its confidentiality. Operating in the data security and privacy market, CipherMode addresses a critical need for businesses that require secure data handling, especially for AI projects. The company recognizes that current data security solutions are often slow, expensive, and ineffective, leading to high failure rates in AI initiatives due to the lack of accessible, secure data.

CipherMode's platform is designed to preserve the confidentiality of data throughout all stages, including during computation. This is particularly important for enterprises that need to share data between different business units or with external partners but are hindered by global regulations, compliance mandates, and the risk of data breaches. The platform eliminates the need for cumbersome internal permission systems, tokenization methods, and reliance on trusted third parties, which are often costly and limited in their applicability.

The primary clients of CipherMode are large enterprises and organizations that handle sensitive data and require robust security measures to protect it. These clients span various industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology, where data privacy is paramount.

CipherMode operates on a B2B (business-to-business) model, generating revenue through subscriptions and licensing fees for its platform. By offering a next-generation computation platform that ensures data confidentiality, CipherMode provides a compelling value proposition for enterprises looking to leverage their data securely and efficiently.

In summary, CipherMode is revolutionizing the way enterprises handle data security, making it possible to use and share data freely and securely without the fear of breaches or compliance issues.

Keywords: data security, confidentiality, AI projects, enterprise, computation platform, data sharing, compliance, data breaches, B2B, technology startup.