Goal Systems

Goal Systems

Provides management software to public and private companies in urban, long-distance passenger or goods transportation. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Net debt
Enterprise valuation
$198—297m (Dealroom.co estimates Oct 2019.)
Company register number B82096736
Madrid Community of Madrid (HQ)



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Revenues, earnings & profits over time
% growth35 %8 %8 %(55 %)(97 %)--
% EBITDA margin31 %38 %12 %(99 %)---
% profit margin11 %29 %3 %(54 %)---
EV / revenue00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x
EV / EBITDA00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x00.0x
R&D budget0000000000000000000000000000

Source: Dealroom estimates

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Late VC
Total Funding000k

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More about Goal Systems

Goal Systems is a technology company that specializes in optimizing public transportation systems. They operate in the Smart City market, providing solutions that promote intelligent and sustainable mobility. Their primary clients are public transportation operators, including bus, metro, train, and tram services.

The company's business model revolves around the use of intelligent resource allocation technology. This technology allows transportation operators to plan passenger transport dynamically, effectively, and optimally. It helps clients improve their resource planning, enabling them to make better decisions and provide better service to passengers. The technology also supports scheduling tasks quickly and efficiently, helping to reduce operational costs, improve processes, and enhance service quality.

Goal Systems' suite of solutions caters to various modes of transport, including long and short-distance buses, trains, metros, and trams. They offer an intelligent solution for the logical and optimized planning of schedules, materials, and personnel. This solution also includes the appointment of resources for the operation of urban, interurban, and electric bus passenger transport.

In addition to their technology solutions, Goal Systems provides comprehensive maintenance service. They support clients in all project phases, from requirement gathering to implementation and maintenance.

In summary, Goal Systems is a technology company that provides intelligent resource allocation solutions to public transportation operators, helping them optimize their operations, reduce costs, and improve service quality.

Keywords: Technology, Public Transportation, Resource Allocation, Intelligent Solutions, Operational Optimization, Cost Reduction, Service Quality Improvement, Bus, Metro, Train, Tram.

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